FMIPA UNSRAT - Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Student Exchange 2019



  • Active student of FMIPA UNSRAT
  • Taking the subject "Kewirausahaan" in Odd Semester TA 2019/2020
  • GPA > 3.0
  • Fluent in English
  • Ready to pay own flight tickets Manado-Kuala Lumpur round-trip
  • Ready to pay accomodation RM. 15.- per day at UTHM Student Resident
  • Ready to provide own Passport
  • Permission Letter from Parents
  • Permission Letter from UNSRAT

  What to Offer by UTHM

  • Short course on Entrepreneurship
  • Class lectures at UTHM Campuss
  • UTHM Campuss Tour
  • Library & Computer Lab Access
  • Business and attraction places visits at Johor, Melaka, Kuala Lumpur, and other places
  • Breakfast, lunch, dinner during the program
  • Ground transportation
  • 1 credit
  • Certificate

  Selection & Schedule (2019)

  • Registration on this web (Aug)
  • First Selection (1 Sept)
  • Announcement 10 nominated students (3 Sept)
  • Second Selection (14 Sept)
  • Announcement 6 students to follow the program (15 Sept)
  • Final check (18 Sept)
  • Depart from Manado (22 Sept)
  • Courses and Visits (23-27 Sept)
  • Optional: Tour in Singapore (28 Sept)
  • Back to Manado (29 Sept)

Alamat: Kampus Unsrat, Kleak, Manado, Indonesia  95115
Telp: +628114314386,   e-mail: [email protected]